How Psychiatry Can Help Improve Mental Health
It is estimated that one in five adults in the U.S. lives with a mental illness. A mental disorder can cause many problems ranging from challenges with mood to behavioral issues. Some individuals with mental health problems struggle to perform daily activities and find that their mental health can impede their day to day functioning.
If you or a loved one needs support to achieve your mental health goals and reclaim your life from the struggles of mental illness, then it might be time to reach out to a professional. Mind, Body, and Soul Therapy & Counseling provides psychiatric services in Moorestown. Our wellness center provides a wide range of specialized services to provide individuals struggling with mental illnesses the tools to manage and cope to improve their quality of life.
What is Psychiatry?
If you are grappling with a mental health problem, consider trying psychiatry. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental disorders. A psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner can provide an assessment and prescribe medication when appropriate.
A psychiatrist is trained to analyze human behavior and identify the symptoms of mental illnesses. An experienced psychiatrist/PMHNP can evaluate your mental healthcare needs and devise a customized treatment plan to address the root cause of the mental health problem you’re experiencing.
You may be asked to fill out a patient information form during your initial consultation with a psychiatrist.
Next, you can expect the psychiatrist to perform an assessment and ask several questions about your family and mental health history.
You may be asked to describe your symptoms, emotions, and feelings. Answer all questions honestly and provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding your health history.
Developing a Customized Mental Health Treatment Plan
Once your practitioner makes an accurate diagnosis, they will devise a customized mental health treatment plan to fit your specific needs. An effective treatment plan aims to address the root cause of the mental health problem rather than treat just its symptoms.
Different mental disorders may require different approaches. Some patients may need ongoing help, while others may need to see their psychiatrist occasionally. Depending on the nature of your mental health challenges, your practitioner may want to involve your family members in the treatment.
Helping to Manage Symptoms
Some common symptoms of mental illness include mood swings, social isolation, extreme and often irrational fears and worries, problems sleeping, and reduced ability to concentrate or focus.
A psychiatrist can help manage all these symptoms through medication management. During appointments, psychiatrist will also utilize other therapeutic tools to help patients improve their self-awareness and cultivate life skills. Your psychiatrist may also recommend lifestyle changes and medications designed to reduce the symptoms you are experiencing.
Mind, Body, and Soul Therapy & Counseling is a trusted resource with licensed and qualified therapists as well as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.Our clinicians have years of experience helping people work to become the best version of themselves through their mental wellness. To learn more, call (856) 834-3709.
How Psychiatry Can Help Improve Mental Health |...
[…] Psychiatric services in Moorestown, NJ can support patients struggling with mental health by assessing the individual’s mental health, developing a unique treatment plan, and prescribing medication when appropriate. Mind, Body, and Soul Therapy & Counseling provides excellent therapeutic and psychiatric services to the Moorestown community. To learn more, call (856) 834-3709. […]
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